Documenting the lives of people so that they can experience the power of emotion in raw form, find meaning through the stories that make them who they are, and hold the moments of every life cycle in their hands. 

You are here. You exist. I see you. 

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 Documentary Photography

multimedia storytelling

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expressive art therapy

Hi. I’m Jamie.

Storyteller, Curious Being, Dreamer, Empath

Curiosity has been my companion since early childhood. The word “why” has been driving my understanding and connection within the world. I am fascinated by other stories, intrigued by their meaning and symbolism. At the same time, I recognize the power one feels when their story is heard - there is potency in listening.

Curiosity has guided me throughout my life. Its foundational roots nudged me to pick up a camera, but then evolve into a documentary photographer. Then transform again, as I personally experienced the healing of art, while photographing my mother and her journey with Multiple Sclerosis. 

 >> Read More About My Story


 We all have a story, and I’d love to help you tell yours.

I promise to honor your journey, validate your experiences, and reconnect you with the profound strength that lies within each chapter of your unique life.

Reach out today to take the first step!

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